Respawn Wave

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Respawn Wave

Postby ashbash1987 » Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:20 pm

Here's one of my addons I've done after playing around with the Player Spawning code. It's called Respawn Wave.

What is Respawn Wave?
Respawn Wave is an addon that replicates some of the basic behaviors present in the TF2 respawn system. It will respawn dead players in waves at set intervals. Respawning will be disabled after a round ends and re-enabled on the next round start. All normal gameplay objectives remain active. Additionally, each time a player is respawned in a round, their health is reduced by a certain factor, so there is still a reason to stay alive, as you are more likely to survive with more health.

How do I install?
Download the *.zip file below, and extract to your CS:GO directory; the *.zip file contains the hierarchy in order to place the addon code in an appropriate module in the appropriate location. Then run the command sp load respawnwave to load the addon.

What can I customize?
There are a couple of server variables you can change:
  • rw_spawn_interval - the interval between each spawn wave, in seconds. Defaults to 10.
  • rw_min_spawn_wait - the minimum wait time a player must go through before going into the respawn system, in seconds. Default to 3.
  • rw_health_reduction_scale - a scale factor which multiplies the health value of a player for each respawn (e.g. a value of 0.8 will mean your 1st respawn will be 80, then 64, reducing by 0.2 or 20% each time). Defaults to 0.75. Setting a value greater than 1 will actually increase a player's health on each respawn.

This code works at the time of writing, but is subject to breaking as SP finds its legs. I will provide minimal support for the time being, as I'm more heavily focused on getting the C++ side of things working well for SP, rather than providing full-time support for an example addon.

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Postby your-name-here » Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:06 pm

My name is your-name-here and I support this message.
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Postby BackRaw » Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:02 am

Good to see my thread being used wisely :D
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Postby satoon101 » Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:11 pm

Awesome job, Ash. I will have to test this out when I get the chance.


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