HL2:DM headpunsh overlay

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daren adler
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HL2:DM headpunsh overlay

Postby daren adler » Fri Feb 18, 2022 7:32 am

Hello game scripters. :smile: I have a script i would like made. I have materials for headpunsh https://www.dropbox.com/s/f7sij47641ys10k/headpunsh.zip?dl=0
I would like it for to be used when you kill someone by the fists (weapon_fists), You get that overlay. Have a great weekend coming up. Stay KOOL and safe out there. :cool: :cool: :cool:
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Re: HL2:DM headpunsh overlay

Postby Painkiller » Fri Feb 18, 2022 10:16 am

It would be best to anchor the fist in the headshotscript?

I think @Daren you need to update your headshot script in your post. If I remember correctly, your headshot script has been adapted for Windows.


Code: Select all

   // Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs.
   "viewmodel"         "models/weapons/v_fists.mdl"
   "playermodel"      "models/weapons/w_fists.mdl"
   // this prefix will be used and fixed by customguns if this gun is custom
   // more prefixes can be found in weapon scripts files
   "anim_prefix"      "crowbar"
   "clip_size"         "-1"
   "primary_ammo"      "None"
   "secondary_ammo"   "None"
   "autoswitchto"      "0"
   "autoswitchfrom"   "0"

      "single_shot"      "Weapon_Crowbar.Single"
      "melee_hit"         "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit"
      "melee_hit_world"   "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_HitWorld"

      "name"                  "fists"
      // mdl or vmt for selection menu
      "model"                  "materials/vgui/cursors/hand.vmt"
      // make the gun usable only by admins who have this flag(s), or -1 to alow everyone to use the gun
      "admin_level"            "-1"
      // add this gun to player's inventory on spawn?
      "give_on_spawn"            "1"
      // add this gun to player's inventory when he equips this weapon
      "give_with_weapon"         ""
      // binds to this weapon, auto switching when player selects it; if set, both weapons should use the same ammo type and give_with_weapon should be set the same as this!
      "bind_to_weapon"         ""
      // if 1, does not disappear from inventory when player drops the physical weapon or is stripped from weapons; recommended for admin weapons or weapons given on spawn
      "persistent"            "1"
      // weapon_type - possible values:
      //      bullet - (default) Standard bullet weapon, uses clip sizes and ammo type defined above
      //      throwable - Throws something away from the player - grenades, molotovs, ..
      //      custom - Custom coded weapon
      "weapon_type"      "custom"
         // * If set to 1, this custom gun will use game-defined ammo type (set above) and behavior instead of plugin managed ammo.
         // * Fire functions will be managed by game, so they won't be called when the weapon runs out of ammo.
         // * Use with CG_RemovePlayerAmmo() native
         // ** Setting this to 0 will allow you to manage ammo ("m_iClip1" value) yourself via plugin. This overrides ammotype to an unknown value.
         // ** Fire functions will always be called when the weapon is ready to fire, without any ammo checks. Also set this to 0 if your weapon doesn't use ammo.
         // ** Set "primary_ammo" other than "None" to enable HUD ammo display.
         "uses_game_ammo"      "0"
         "item" "models/weapons/v_shovel.dx80.vtx"
         "item" "models/weapons/v_shovel.dx90.vtx"
         "item" "models/weapons/v_shovel.mdl"
         "item" "models/weapons/v_shovel.sw.vtx"
         "item" "models/weapons/v_shovel.vvd"
         "item" "models/weapons/w_shovel.dx80.vtx"
         "item" "models/weapons/w_shovel.dx90.vtx"
         "item" "models/weapons/w_shovel.mdl"
         "item" "models/weapons/w_shovel.phy"
         "item" "models/weapons/w_shovel.sw.vtx"
         "item" "models/weapons/w_shovel.vvd"


Code: Select all

#include <sourcemod>

#include <sdktools>

#include <sdkhooks>

#include <customguns>

#define WEAPON "weapon_fists"

#define REFIRE 0.55
#define RANGE 40.0

#define DAMAGE 10.0

#define PUSH_SCALE 30.0

float additionalTime[MAXPLAYERS+1];

float nextEnergy[MAXPLAYERS+1];

public Plugin myinfo =


   name = "Weapon_Fists",

   author = "Master(D)",
   description = "CustomGuns Weapon_Fists Extension",

   version = "00.00.01",

   url = ""


public void CG_OnHolster(int client, int weapon, int switchingTo)

   char sWeapon[32];
   GetEntityClassname(weapon, sWeapon, sizeof(sWeapon));


   if(StrEqual(sWeapon, WEAPON))

      additionalTime[client] = 0.0;
      nextEnergy[client] = 0.0;



public void CG_OnPrimaryAttack(int client, int weapon)

   char sWeapon[32];
   GetEntityClassname(weapon, sWeapon, sizeof(sWeapon));
   if(StrEqual(sWeapon, WEAPON))

      int Random = GetRandomInt(2, 5);

      vmSeq(client, Random, REFIRE)

      CG_SetPlayerAnimation(client, PLAYER_ATTACK1);
      //CG_PlayActivity(weapon, ACT_VM_SECONDARYATTACK);

      if(additionalTime[client] <= 0.025)


         additionalTime[client] = 0.025;


      additionalTime[client] += additionalTime[client]*1.2;

      if(additionalTime[client] >= 0.5)


         additionalTime[client] = 0.5;



      CG_Cooldown(weapon, REFIRE + additionalTime[client]);


      float pos[3], angles[3], endPos[3];

      CG_GetShootPosition(client, pos);

      GetClientEyeAngles(client, angles);


      GetAngleVectors(angles, endPos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);

      ScaleVector(endPos, RANGE);

      AddVectors(pos, endPos, endPos);


      TR_TraceHullFilter(pos, endPos, view_as<float>({-10.0, -10.0, -10.0}), view_as<float>({10.0, 10.0, 10.0}), MASK_SHOT_HULL, TraceEntityFilter, client);


      float punchAngle[3];

      punchAngle[0] = GetRandomFloat( 1.0, 2.0 );

      punchAngle[1] = GetRandomFloat( -2.0, -1.0 );

      Tools_ViewPunch(client, punchAngle);




         EmitGameSoundToAll("Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit", weapon);


         int entityHit = TR_GetEntityIndex();

         if(entityHit > 0 && (!IsPlayer(entityHit) || GetClientTeam(entityHit) != GetClientTeam(client)) )


            char classname[32];

            GetEntityClassname(entityHit, classname, sizeof(classname));

            if(GetEntityMoveType(entityHit) == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS || StrContains(classname, "npc_") == 0)


               float force[3];

               GetAngleVectors(angles, force, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);

               ScaleVector(force, PUSH_SCALE);

               TeleportEntity(entityHit, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, force);


               if(GetEntityMoveType(entityHit) == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS)


                  SetEntPropVector(entityHit, Prop_Data, "m_vecAbsVelocity", NULL_VECTOR); //trampoline fix



            SDKHooks_TakeDamage(entityHit, client, client, DAMAGE, DMG_CLUB);



         // Do additional trace for impact effects

         // if ( ImpactWater( pos, endPos ) ) return;

         float impactEndPos[3];

         GetAngleVectors(angles, impactEndPos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);

         ScaleVector(impactEndPos, 50.0);


         AddVectors(impactEndPos, endPos, impactEndPos);

         TR_TraceRayFilter(endPos, impactEndPos, MASK_SHOT_HULL, RayType_EndPoint, TraceEntityFilter, client);



            UTIL_ImpactTrace(pos, DMG_CLUB);





         EmitGameSoundToAll("Weapon_Crowbar.Single", weapon);




public void CG_ItemPostFrame(int client, int weapon)

   char sWeapon[32];

   GetEntityClassname(weapon, sWeapon, sizeof(sWeapon));


   if(StrEqual(sWeapon, WEAPON))

      if(!(GetClientButtons(client) & IN_ATTACK) && GetGameTime() >= nextEnergy[client])


         additionalTime[client] *= 0.5;

         nextEnergy[client] = GetGameTime() + 0.25;




public bool TraceEntityFilter(int entity, int mask, any data)
   if (entity == data)

      return false;

   return true;


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