Noob's question ;)

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Noob's question ;)

Postby kali » Wed May 08, 2013 8:46 pm


Few questions:

1)Whether Source.Python is suitable for use now (in game)?
2)If so, how?
Maybe a turtorial for noobs?
3) Whether the EventScript is needed?
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Postby Logifl3x » Wed May 08, 2013 11:55 pm

The only response I can give you is that Source.Python does not require EventScripts as it is a totally new addon.
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Postby satoon101 » Thu May 09, 2013 12:11 am

Indeed, the two do not work hand-in-hand with each other. In fact, Source.Python started off as EventScripts3, a complete re-write of the plugin.

In its current state, there are a few things you can already do with SP. It is still in Alpha, so there are still lots of things you cannot do. A few months back, we decided to do a complete re-write on the C++ side to make the plugin more maintainable in the future. Many things that used to be possible have not been added back in. All of the functionality available from the C++ side, I believe is now documented in the Wiki. The Python wiki has many functionalities that used to work, but need to either be rewritten for the C++ re-write or have not been added back in on the C++ side.

In case you have not noticed the wiki (the link is along the top bar of the site):

The Source Modules are the modules that are provided on the C++ side and exposed to us by Boost Python. The Python Modules is the Python side API which can be used to make your life a little easier on the scripting side.

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to ask away. If you notice any issues, please use the Issue Tracker to report them. Though, as this is in Alpha, many issues are already known internally.

*Edit: also, now that L'In20Cible has fixed compile issues on the OrangeBox-engine version, I plan on uploading the newest build sometime tonight (after I get the chance to build on Linux).

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Postby satoon101 » Thu May 09, 2013 2:35 am

Well, I am having issues building on OrangeBox now... I was able to build it on Windows earlier today, but now I cannot seem to even get that to work. I am also getting an error building OrangeBox on Linux. Due to these issues, I will not be posting an OrangeBox build tonight. However, there is a new CSGO build up:

When we are able to iron out the OrangeBox issues, we will upload a version for that engine, as well.

*Edit: finally got it to build on Windows, but still getting an error on Linux.

Thanks for your patience,
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Postby kali » Thu May 09, 2013 5:53 pm

Thanks for the information.
My questions stem from the fact that I tried to run the SP on the game Insurgency (2), which incidentally is based on CS: GO - unfortunately to no avail.
So I'll try .
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Postby satoon101 » Fri May 10, 2013 12:05 am

I am fairly certain that, while they used the CS:GO engine, they more than likely modified it severely. I would doubt that SP works for that game.

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Postby kali » Fri May 10, 2013 1:42 pm

Unfortunately, you were right.
It does't work as SourceMod and EventScript Python. The other hand, MetaMod Source starts (but don't load SM plugins) and ManiAdmin runs and works (without graphics menu - only console).
It's a pity.

Thanks in any case for your good work.
Good luck.

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