[HL2:DM] Heartbeat

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[HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby Painkiller » Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:59 am

Hello SourcePython Team and Community,

could somebody turn that into SP for me?


Syntax: Select all

// ******************************
// Heartbeat V4.0 Beta
// for Valve Source Games.
// * Description:
// Can hear wounded players heartbeats.
// * Install instructions:
// <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forums.mattie.info/cs/forums/viewtopic.php?p=58954">http://forums.mattie.info/cs/forums/vie ... hp?p=58954</a><!-- m -->
// * Credits:
// Concept By: Murpher Written By: Venjax
// Edited Sounds by: Ace Rimmer - Thanks Bud!
// ENV_Blood code stolen from Einlazers - Thanks man!
// Special Thanks: MBchrono, Mattie!, Whore, & ljfsp
// * Requirements:
// EventScripts v1.2.1 or higher
// ******************************

block config
es_xsetinfo hbemit 1 // Set to 1 to hear others heartbeats. 0 to hear only your own.
es_xsetinfo slowhealth 60 // Set this variable for first beat
es_xsetinfo fasthealth 15 // Set this variable for second beat
es_xsetinfo hb_bleed 1 // Set to 1 to bleed during the fast heartbeat.
es_xsetinfo hb_bleedout 1 // Set this to amount of damage to lose after player starts to bleed.


block load
es_xsetinfo mygame 0
es_getgame mygame
es_xsetinfo gmeinfo "CCSPlayer.baseclass.m_iHealth"
if ("Defeat" in server_var(mygame)) then es_xsetinfo gmeinfo "CDODPlayer.baseclass.m_iHealth"
if ("Deathmatch" in server_var(mygame)) then es_xsetinfo gmeinfo "CHL2MP_Player.baseclass.baseclass.m_iHealth"
es_xsetinfo myhealth 0
es_xsetinfo togvar 0
es_xsetinfo togvar2 0
es_xsetinfo stmid 0
es_xsetinfo ven_hb_ver "v4.0"
es_xmakepublic ven_hb_ver
es_xsetinfo hbexists 0
es_xsetinfo hb_shadox 0
es_xexists hbexists keygroup hbtoggle
if (server_var(hbexists) equalto 1) then es_xkeygroupdelete hbtoggle
es_xkeygroupload hbtoggle |heartbeat
es_xexists hbexists keygroup hbeaters
if (server_var(hbexists) equalto 1) then es_xkeygroupdelete hbeaters
es_xkeygroupcreate hbeaters
es_xloadevents addons/mattie_eventscripts.res
es_xdoblock heartbeat/config
if (server_var(hb_bleed) equalto 1) do
es_regcmd _hb_dobleed heartbeat/dobleed "internal command to add blood to heartbeat"
else do
es_regcmd _hb_dobleed heartbeat/nobleed "internal command for no blood"

event es_map_start
downloadable sound/hb/fastbeat.mp3
downloadable sound/hb/slowbeat.mp3
es_xdelayed 10 es_xdoblock heartbeat/beatstart
es_xkeygroupdelete hbtoggle
es_xkeygroupload hbtoggle |heartbeat

event round_start
es_xforeachkey hb_users in hbeaters "es_xdoblock heartbeat/shadox"

event player_spawn
es es_xexists hbexists key hbeaters event_var(userid)
if (server_var(hbexists) equalto 0) do
es es_xexists togvar2 key hbtoggle event_var(es_steamid)
if (server_var(togvar2) equalto 0) do
es es_xkeycreate hbeaters event_var(userid)
es es_xkeysetvalue hbeaters event_var(userid) hb 1

event player_death
es es_xexists hbexists key hbeaters event_var(userid)
if (server_var(hbexists) equalto 1) then es_xkeydelete hbeaters event_var(userid)

event player_disconnect
es es_xexists hbexists key hbeaters event_var(userid)
if (server_var(hbexists) equalto 1) then es_xkeydelete hbeaters event_var(userid)

block beatstart
es_xforeachkey hb_users in hbeaters "es_xdoblock heartbeat/beat"
es_xdelayed 1.1 es_xdoblock heartbeat/beatstart

block beat
es es_xgetplayerprop myhealth server_var(hb_users) server_var(gmeinfo)
if (server_var(myhealth) <= server_var(slowhealth)) do
if (server_var(myhealth) > server_var(fasthealth)) do
if (server_var(hbemit) equalto 1) do
es_emitsound player server_var(hb_users) hb/slowbeat.mp3 1.0 1.0
else do
es es_xcexec server_var(hb_users) playgamesound hb/slowbeat.mp3
else do
if (server_var(myhealth) > 1) do
if (server_var(hbemit) equalto 1) do
es_emitsound player server_var(hb_users) hb/fastbeat.mp3 1.0 1.0
else do
es es_xcexec server_var(hb_users) playgamesound hb/fastbeat.mp3

event player_say
if (event_var(text) equalto "!heartbeat") do
es es_xexists togvar key hbtoggle event_var(es_steamid)
if (server_var(togvar) equalto 0) do
es es_xtell event_var(userid) [Heartbeat] You will not hear your own heartbeat.
if (server_var(hbemit) notequalto 0) do
es es_xtell event_var(userid) [Heartbeat] You WILL still hear other's heartbeat.
es es_xkeycreate hbtoggle event_var(es_steamid)
es es_xkeysetvalue hbtoggle event_var(es_steamid) nobeat 1
es es_xexists hbexists key hbeaters event_var(userid)
if (server_var(hbexists) equalto 1) then es_xkeydelete hbeaters event_var(userid)
else do
es es_xtell event_var(userid) [Heartbeat] You will now hear your own heartbeat again.
es es_xkeydelete hbtoggle event_var(es_steamid)
es es_xkeycreate hbeaters event_var(userid)
es es_xkeysetvalue hbeaters event_var(userid) hb 1
es_xkeygroupsave hbtoggle |heartbeat

event unload
es_xkeygroupsave hbtoggle |heartbeat
es_xkeygroupdelete hbtoggle
es_xkeygroupdelete hbeaters

block dobleed
es es_xfire server_var(hb_users) env_blood kill
es es_xgive server_var(hb_users) env_blood
es es_xfire server_var(hb_users) env_blood addoutput "spawnflags 13"
es es_xfire server_var(hb_users) env_blood addoutput "amount 10000"
es es_xfire server_var(hb_users) env_blood EmitBlood
if (server_var(hb_bleedout) greaterthan 0) do
es es_xmath myhealth - server_var(hb_bleedout)
es es_xsetplayerprop server_var(hb_users) server_var(gmeinfo) server_var(myhealth)

block nobleed
//Nothing here!

block shadox
es es_xgetuserid hb_shadox server_var(hb_users)
if (server_var(hb_shadox) equalto 0) then es_xkeydelete hbeaters server_var(hb_users)


Code: Select all

      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"
      "nobeat"      "1"

Thanks in Advance
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby Painkiller » Wed May 13, 2020 6:46 am

Is there already an attempt to do this?
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby Painkiller » Mon May 18, 2020 7:03 am

Hello, who would be so kind and rewrite this plugin?
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby VinciT » Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:01 pm

Sorry it took so long, give this a try:

Syntax: Select all

# ../heartbeat/heartbeat.py
# Heartbeat SFX provided by MrSnooze.

# Python
import json

# Source.Python
from commands import CommandReturn
from commands.say import SayCommand
from engines.sound import Sound
from entities.dictionary import EntityDictionary
from entities.entity import Entity
from events import Event
from filters.recipients import RecipientFilter
from listeners.tick import GameThread, RepeatStatus, Delay
from mathlib import Vector
from messages import SayText2
from paths import PLUGIN_DATA_PATH
from players.entity import Player
from stringtables.downloads import Downloadables

# Emit the heartbeat sound to other players? (0 - no, 1 - yes)
EMIT = 1
# Health below which the slow heartbeat starts.
# Health at and below which the player's heartbeat will become fast.
# Should the player bleed while their heartbeat is fast?
# Amount of damage caused by bleeding.

downloads = Downloadables()
# Make sure the players download the heartbeat sounds.

SOUND_SLOW = Sound('hb/slowbeat.wav', attenuation=0.75, volume=1.0)
SOUND_FAST = Sound('hb/fastbeat.wav', attenuation=0.75, volume=1.0)

False: SayText2(
'\x071af716[Heartbeat] You will now hear your own heartbeat again.'),
True: SayText2(
'\x07fd2b01[Heartbeat] You will not hear your own heartbeat.' +
('\n\x071af716[Heartbeat] You will still hear other\'s heartbeat.'
if EMIT else '')

class Database:
"""Simple class used for loading and saving player data.

path (str): Path to the file from which to load player data or save it.

def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
self.player_data = set()
self.save_queued = False

# Attempt to load player data.
with open(self.path, 'r') as file:
self.player_data = set(json.load(file)['disabled'])
except FileNotFoundError:

def queue_save(self):
"""Saves the player data after a short delay. This is done to avoid
constant saving of the file to disk."""
# Has the saving of data already been queued?
if self.save_queued:
# No need to go further.

self.save_queued = True
Delay(60, self.save)

def save(self):
"""Starts a new GameThread in order to avoid freezing the server and
saves the data to a file."""
thread = GameThread(target=self._save())

def _save(self):
prepared_data = {}
# Convert the set to a dictionary.
prepared_data['disabled'] = list(self.player_data)

with open(self.path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
# Save the dictionary to a file.
json.dump(prepared_data, file, indent=4)

self.save_queued = False

db = Database(PLUGIN_DATA_PATH / 'heartbeat' / 'player_data.json')

class BloodDictionary(EntityDictionary):
"""Class used for cleaning up after specific 'env_blood' entities."""

def on_automatically_removed(self, index):
"""Called when an index is automatically removed."""
blood = self[index]

# Get the owner of the 'env_blood' entity.
player = PlayerHB.from_inthandle(blood.owner_handle)
except (ValueError, OverflowError):
# ValueError: not a player.
# OverflowError: invalid inthandle (-1).

# Discard the reference to the Entity instance.
player.blood = None

blood_instances = BloodDictionary(factory=None)

class PlayerHB(Player):
"""Modified Player class.

index (int): A valid player index.
caching (bool): Check for a cached instance?

beat_think (Repeat): Instance of Repeat() used for looping the
`_beat_think()` function.
blood (Entity): Instance of the 'env_blood' entity.
muted_heartbeat (bool): Has the player decided to mute their own
heartbeat for themselves?

def __init__(self, index, caching=True):
"""Initializes the object."""
super().__init__(index, caching)

self.beat_think = self.repeat(self._beat_think)
self.blood = None
self.muted_heartbeat = (
True if self.steamid in db.player_data else False)

def enable_heartbeat(self):
"""Starts looping the `_beat_think()' function."""
if self.beat_think.status is not RepeatStatus.RUNNING:
self.beat_think.start(interval=1.1, execute_on_start=True)

def _beat_think(self):
# Has the player healed above the heartbeat threshold?
if self.health > HEALTH_SLOW:
# Let's stop the loop.

# Get a list of players that should hear the heartbeat.
recipients = list(RecipientFilter()) if EMIT else [self.index,]

# Does the player not want to hear their own heartbeat?
if self.muted_heartbeat:

sound = SOUND_SLOW
# Should the heartbeat be fast?
if self.health <= HEALTH_FAST:
sound = SOUND_FAST

# Is bleeding enabled? (BLEED set to 1)

sound.index = self.index

def bleed(self):
"""Creates a blood sprite and decal at the player's current origin."""
# Is the player missing an 'env_blood' entity?
if self.blood is None:
# Create and store one for future use.
self.blood = Entity.create('env_blood')
# How far from the player should the decals be applied to walls
# and props?
self.blood.set_key_value_int('amount', 150)
# Set certain spawn flags for the entity.
# 1: Random Direction
# 4: On Player
# 8: Spray decals
self.blood.spawn_flags = 1 + 4 + 8
# Tie the 'env_blood' to the player with their inthandle.
self.blood.owner_handle = self.inthandle
# Save the Entity instance in a dictionary (future clean-up).
blood_instances[self.blood.index] = self.blood

# Adjust the 'env_blood' origin according to player's current height.
self.blood.origin = self.origin + Vector(0, 0, self.maxs.z * 0.65)

# Should bleeding cause damage?

def on_death(self):
"""Called when the player dies."""

self.blood.owner_handle = -1
except AttributeError:

self.blood = None

def player_hurt(event):
if event['health'] <= HEALTH_SLOW:

def player_death(event):

@SayCommand(['!heartbeat', '/heartbeat', '!hb', '/hb'])
def heartbeat_cmd(command, index, team_only=False):
player = PlayerHB(index)
# Toggle the player's own heartbeat.
player.muted_heartbeat = not player.muted_heartbeat

# Attempt to remove the player's steamid from the set.
except KeyError:
# The steamid wasn't found - add it to the set.

# Send the player the correct chat message.
# Queue the database to save the set to a file.
# Block the player's message from appearing. (e.g. player_name: !heartbeat)
return CommandReturn.BLOCK
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Last edited by VinciT on Wed Mar 10, 2021 7:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby Painkiller » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:32 am

Hello, I just saw it a minute ago. I wasn't shown the post.

Sorry for the late notice.

I've tried it now. The bleeding works so far but I can't hear the sounds.
There are also no mistakes.
Is an automatic downloader built into the plugin ?
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby Painkiller » Sat Jul 25, 2020 9:22 am

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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby VinciT » Sun Jul 26, 2020 1:15 am

Sorry! I thought I had replied to this thread. The sounds should get downloaded by players:

Syntax: Select all

downloads = Downloadables()
# Make sure the players download the heartbeat sounds.

Since I tested the sounds without any other sounds playing, the volume could be too low to hear when there's other stuff happening around the player.
Try lowering the attenuation of the sounds in the script, that value determines how quickly the sound fades depending on the distance.

If that doesn't work, I could try boosting the volume of the included sounds or you could try replacing the them with your own, just make sure to name them accordingly (slowbeat.wav and fastbeat.wav).
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby Painkiller » Sun Jul 26, 2020 8:06 am

So basically only other players can hear my bleeding?

I thought I could hear it myself when I was bleeding to death.

Edit: I can't hear a thing.
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby VinciT » Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:42 pm

You should be able to hear your own heartbeat, unless you disabled it for yourself by typing any of the following in chat: !heartbeat, /heartbeat, !hb, /hb.

Are you using a different server (fastdl) for your files? Check your in-game console and see if you're getting these errors: Image
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby Painkiller » Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:25 pm

I noticed that I had mp3 files ^^.
my mistake.

Could you please use the command "playgamesound" so that it doesn't collide with others?
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby VinciT » Wed Jul 29, 2020 2:54 am

I've been trying to make it work with playgamesound, but whenever another sound plays, the heartbeat gets cut off. Is this the behavior you want?
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby Painkiller » Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:32 am

Actually all sounds should play simultaneously.
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby Painkiller » Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:55 am

Code: Select all

2020-07-23 11:43:52 - sp   -   EXCEPTION   
[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/heartbeat/heartbeat.py", line 219, in player_disconnect
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/entities/dictionary.py", line 50, in __missing__
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/entities/_base.py", line 127, in __call__
    obj = super().__call__(index)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/heartbeat/heartbeat.py", line 124, in __init__
    super().__init__(index, caching)
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/players/_base.py", line 90, in __init__
    PlayerMixin.__init__(self, index)

ValueError: Conversion from "Index" (1) to "BaseEntity" failed.
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby VinciT » Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:13 pm

Seems like the OnClientDisconnect listener is too late sometimes. I've gotten rid of it, as the player_death event gets called when the player disconnects as well. I've also adjusted the attenuation so the heartbeat sound can be heard from a greater distance.

The code has been updated in the original post.
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby Painkiller » Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:38 pm

Ok I could test it now and it works great.

Thanks you.
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby daren adler » Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:27 am

heartbeat crashes my server
and some how it bleeding over and over, when another is bleading i get some blood particals too. Shows no error in log.
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby VinciT » Wed Mar 10, 2021 7:13 pm

I believe I've fixed the only possible crash there is, where the env_blood entity gets removed while the player is still bleeding.
I'm not sure how the other issue is happening yet. If you know or find a way to reproduce it consistently, please let me know.

You can find the fixed plugin in the original post.
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby daren adler » Wed Mar 10, 2021 8:44 pm

Thank you but it crashed again with no error, idk y, friend also same deal, and no errors on his side. Its acting just like the lights script that i also am trying to get to work here, viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2231 and they helped alot, but i still crash. I // it and restarted it to make sure it was the script and with it marked out, no crashes.
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby L'In20Cible » Thu Mar 11, 2021 4:21 am

daren adler wrote:Thank you but it crashed again with no error, idk y, friend also same deal, and no errors on his side. Its acting just like the lights script that i also am trying to get to work here, viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2231 and they helped alot, but i still crash. I // it and restarted it to make sure it was the script and with it marked out, no crashes.

I can confirm that using these 2 plugins alone, with these bots isn't crashing whatsoever. Let it ran with dozens of bots and myself AFK in the background for about 2 hours and it never crashed. So yeah, whatever is causing your crash, I don't think it is caused by these plugins. So, I will reiterate what I told you in the other thread:
L'In20Cible wrote:If you want assistance, then upload your whole server so that someone can look at it. Nobody can magically guess what the issue could be if they can't see for themselves.

Solely saying it crashes into every threads for every plugins you use without contexts, nor certitude as to whether or not they are the faulty ones isn't really helping anyone to help you, unfortunately. Come back with reproducible steps and certitudes about the issue and we will be able to help but until then, nobody has enough information to assist and trying to imagine what could conflict or be the cause of a random crash is just wasting everyone's time no matter how hard they are inclined to help.
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Re: [HL2:DM] Heartbeat

Postby daren adler » Thu Mar 11, 2021 4:48 am

I am sorry but that is not true, i only said that about 2 of them make me crash, and they give no errors for me to tell you/write what is says. and i cant send you my whole server. I am not trying to make you guys waste yours or their time. I really like the work that you all do, I do not want to use this script bad anough to make you or the others mad at me. so i will not use the lights or the heartbeat, must be somthing i have on myside that do not make it work. so im just go to stop both. have a great rest of the week and again, stay kool.

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