Oneline: a cool python project for websockets

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Oneline: a cool python project for websockets

Postby matrix.nad » Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:03 am

Hey Source.Python,

I am posting on this forum concerning
something you web developers may find useful, it uses
something has been around for a while (websockets) and
provides a little interface for creating modules to stream
data from the server to the client. These modules
can use a variety of things -- geolocation, time, database
related stuff, etc.

It is a Python project that uses cherrypy and ws4py. You
may find it useful in a web project. If you have a spare
minute let me know what you think and if you
feel it is useful, I'd really appreciate it.

Git here:
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Postby satoon101 » Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:03 am

This forum is designed for module or package submissions to be included with our plugin. Are you asking that this be included in the plugin? If not, I will move it to a more appropriate forum. At first glance, I would say this doesn't seem like something that would be all that useful to the plugin.

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