ToDos & specific assignments or places we can work on

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ToDos & specific assignments or places we can work on

Postby Omega_K2 » Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:09 pm

Just looking at the code so far, it seems only very basic work has been done and it is mostly a skeleton so far. Some functionality has been implemented; so, would there be a possibly to organize it a bit so people don't start working on the same things and that things can get done in a reasonable timeframe?

Btw, I only have basic c/c++ knowledge, but I think this should work (at least it compiles lol):
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Postby your-name-here » Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:34 am

Omega_K2 wrote:Just looking at the code so far, it seems only very basic work has been done and it is mostly a skeleton so far. Some functionality has been implemented; so, would there be a possibly to organize it a bit so people don't start working on the same things and that things can get done in a reasonable timeframe?

Btw, I only have basic c/c++ knowledge, but I think this should work (at least it compiles lol):

Omega, I really appreciate the amount of effort you are putting into this. However, you are hurrying me along at a pace I don't want to move at.

Right now, I would like to write the C++ core myself. I don't need help doing it at this stage because I am still trying to architect the major parts of the codebase. Python-wise, you should collaborate with satoon101 and Monday.
This project will be slow to start as I have a major life obligation I am trying to deal with right now.

I have looked at your pastebin. I've actually got a bunch more of IVEngineServer wrapped. The problem is, you need to wrap the base types too like edict_t or else a bunch of those functions won't work. There might be an order of initialization problem that you need to deal with. This is what I am currently investigating.

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