[Any] RTD

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[Any] RTD

Postby cssbestrpg » Sun Dec 05, 2021 4:32 pm

Hey, guys this plugin gives you different benefits when type in chat rtd


Possible benefits:
- Health set to 25 and Speed to 20%
- Loses the access to use any weapon(expect knife)
- Lose armor(css & csgo only), Ignited for 15seconds(other games)
- Loses all cash & health(css & csgo only), other game only health lose
- Gravity set to 20% and Speed set to 20%
- Weapon Removes(Primary and Secondary)
- Infinite bullets
- 10 Seconds freeze
- Loses weapon access to only able to use pistols
- No Fall Damage
- Invisible
- Vampire - Gains health back when hurt enemy
- +400 Health
- Noclip
- Noblock for everyone
- Double Speed
- +10 Health by killing an enemy
- Nothing
- Weapon Fire to set crosshair to hs

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