GunGame v1.3.2

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Re: GunGame v1.1.0

Postby satoon101 » Fri Dec 01, 2017 3:12 am

GunGame Update!
Version: 1.1.0
Version Notes:
  • Fixed errors caused by SP>Entity.team_index changes.
  • Added radar removal in Free-For-All mode on both CS:S and CS:GO.
  • Fixed an error that would occur when a sub-plugin that registers a custom player attribute is loaded during a match.
  • Fixed sounds from sound packs not downloading.
  • Fixed error that would cause spawn points to be removed on unload of random_spawn when the random spawn points were never created.
  • Fixed error in logic for 'Tied' message in teamplay.
  • Fixed bug where spawn protect Delay wasn't cancelled on map change.
  • Fixed sub-plugins to actually unload when unloading GunGame.
  • Implemented gg_map_strip_exceptions and stripping idle weapons from the server on round_start.
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Re: GunGame v1.1.1

Postby satoon101 » Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:12 pm

GunGame Update!
Version: 1.1.1
Version Notes:
  • Added a delay to printing the weapon order each match to make sure all cfgs have been processed before doing so.
  • Implemented prune_database ConVar.
    • Added updating player timestamps in the winners database on player_activate.
    • Added functionality to remove users from the database and the winners dictionary for pruning.
  • Added check for prune_database where 0 days equals DO NOT prune.
  • Added Options translations for prune_database in the config file.
  • Fixed bug where _print_delay never gets set back to None (when printing the weapon order each match).
  • Fixed bug in ffa where functionality was called that hadn't been defined yet.
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Re: GunGame v1.1.1

Postby BackRaw » Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:15 pm

I can't load the plugin :frown:

Code: Select all

sp plugin reload gungame
[SP] Unloading plugin 'gungame'...
[SP] Unable to unload plugin 'gungame' as it is not currently loaded.
[SP] Loading plugin 'gungame'...

[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/", line 162, in load_plugin
    plugin = self.manager.load(plugin_name)
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/", line 193, in load
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/", line 74, in _load
    self.module = import_module(self.import_name)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/gungame/", line 25, in <module>
    from .core.players.database import winners_database
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/gungame/core/players/", line 214, in <module>
    winners_database = _WinsDatabase(_PlayerDatabase)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/gungame/core/players/", line 68, in __init__

sqlite3.OperationalError: database is locked

[SP] Plugin 'gungame' was unable to be loaded.

The winners.db data file does get written and no process is using it after loading has failed.
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Re: GunGame v1.1.1

Postby satoon101 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:27 pm

Do you have access to the server other than ftp? If so, you might try some of the suggestions here: ... -is-locked

If you only have ftp access, I'm not sure what else you could do other than contact your GSP and ask them to look into it.
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Re: GunGame v1.1.1

Postby BackRaw » Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:48 am

satoon101 wrote:Do you have access to the server other than ftp? If so, you might try some of the suggestions here: ... -is-locked

If you only have ftp access, I'm not sure what else you could do other than contact your GSP and ask them to look into it.

Aaah, it's because it's a samba share (local server). Guess I'll have to setup another server just for GunGame, but that's fine :D
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Re: GunGame v1.1.1

Postby Ayuto » Sat Dec 30, 2017 12:39 pm

Last night I had the chance to test it on CS:S. It worked very well. Well done!

Only one thing was a little bit confusing. The default weapon order contains smokegrenade and flashbang. Shouldn't those kill you instantly once you are hit?
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Re: GunGame v1.1.1

Postby satoon101 » Sat Dec 30, 2017 1:07 pm

I created GG-ProjectileKills to handle the one hit kills.
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Re: GunGame v1.1.1

Postby satoon101 » Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:54 pm

Ayuto wrote:Last night I had the chance to test it on CS:S. It worked very well. Well done!
I meant to say this last time, but I was on mobile since I was visiting family for the holidays: Thank you!

Ayuto wrote:Only one thing was a little bit confusing. The default weapon order contains smokegrenade and flashbang. Shouldn't those kill you instantly once you are hit?
I have updated it so that those will no longer be "active" in the weapon orders created by GunGame itself (which will be included in the next release). You can still use them, and should also use the GGProjectileKills, but they will not be active by default. Any server that has already created those files will not be automatically updated, as GunGame only creates those files if they do not already exist. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
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Re: GunGame v1.2.0

Postby satoon101 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:39 am

GunGame Update!
Version: 1.2.0
Version Notes:
  • Implemented AFK punishment.
  • Added clearing the flashed players dictionary on level end in FFA for CS:S.
  • Added cancel_on_level_end to repeats/Delays that should be stopped when the level ends.
  • Fixed including grenades that are neither explosive nor incendiary in the default weapon order files.
  • Updated getting/setting origin/angle in random_spawn for recent BaseEntity changes in Source.Python.
  • Fixed error that can occur when a player has not been added to the leaders dictionary before they disconnect from the server.
  • Changed Entity.angles->angle.
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Re: GunGame v1.2.1

Postby satoon101 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:19 am

GunGame Update!
Version: 1.2.1
Version Notes:
  • Properly fixed QAngle issues.
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Re: GunGame v1.2.2

Postby satoon101 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:04 am

GunGame Update!
Version: 1.2.2
Version Notes:
  • Fixed error in score menu.
  • Fixed blocking say/client registered commands.
  • Fixed 'gg reload' functionality.
  • Fixed bug in unregistering commands.
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Re: GunGame v1.3.0

Postby satoon101 » Sat Apr 14, 2018 2:12 am

GunGame Update!
Version: 1.3.0
Version Notes:
  • Fixed bug where c4 was being removed by dead_strip.
  • Changed warmup to use remove_idle_weapons instead of having the same functionality written in 2 places.
  • Fixed bug in multi-level that allowed levels gained while dead to count towards the next multi-level.
  • Fixed bug that unloaded the primary __init__ file from sub-plugins when the plugin is unloaded.
  • Added MessageHook and MessagePrefixHook decorators to hook GunGame messages.
  • Updated message_manager's hook methods to require a callback which is now called to know whether to stop the message from printing.
  • Added SoundHook decorator to more easily hook GunGame sounds.
  • Updated sound_manager's hook methods to require a callback which is now called to know whether to stop the sound from playing.
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Re: GunGame v1.3.0

Postby wtfaatp » Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:42 am

Just wanted to let you know I am getting this CONSTANTLy!!!!

Code: Select all

2020-08-21 02:57:36 - sp   -   EXCEPTION   
[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/listeners/", line 80, in _tick
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/listeners/", line 161, in execute
    return self.callback(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/gungame/plugins/included/gg_dissolver/", line 76, in dissolve_ragdoll
    entity = Entity(index_from_inthandle(inthandle))

OverflowError: can't convert negative value to unsigned int

2020-08-21 02:57:43 - sp   -   EXCEPTION   
[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/events/", line 92, in fire_game_event
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/gungame/plugins/included/gg_reload/", line 44, in _reload_weapon
    weapon.clip = weapon_instance.clip

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'clip'
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Re: GunGame v1.3.0

Postby wtfaatp » Sun Aug 23, 2020 2:29 am

Just wondering if someone could help me with a couple problems I am having.

Multi Level gravity.. It will only increase your gravity never lower it.
GG-vote.. Nerver seems to be called? Or am I missing something
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Re: GunGame v1.3.0

Postby Kami » Sun Aug 23, 2020 10:51 am

Did you edit the configuration value for multi level gravity?

You can find it in under cfg\source-python\gungame\included_plugins\gg_multi_level.cfg

100% is the default which equals disabled.
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Re: GunGame v1.3.0

Postby satoon101 » Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:34 am

Which game are you using this for?
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Re: GunGame v1.3.0

Postby wtfaatp » Sun Aug 23, 2020 12:45 pm

Kami wrote:Did you edit the configuration value for multi level gravity?

You can find it in under cfg\source-python\gungame\included_plugins\gg_multi_level.cfg

100% is the default which equals disabled.

Yes I have put it as low as 0.0000000000000000000000001~ It feels like when you put to anything below 100 is just default gravity with speed.

I have also tried changeing the

Syntax: Select all

self.gravity = gravity.get_int() / 100

Changing that to 1 and 1000 with no luck..

satoon101 wrote:Which game are you using this for?


If either of you would like I would be willing to invite you to the server.
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Re: GunGame v1.3.0

Postby satoon101 » Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:05 pm

I found the issue for gravity. A fix will be in the next release. I'm still testing for your other issues.

For the dissolver, what is your setting for gg_dissolver_delay? Also, are you using deathmatch and, if so, what is your setting for gg_deathmatch_delay?
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Re: GunGame v1.3.0

Postby wtfaatp » Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:13 pm

satoon101 wrote:I found the issue for gravity. A fix will be in the next release. I'm still testing for your other issues.

For the dissolver, what is your setting for gg_dissolver_delay? Also, are you using deathmatch and, if so, what is your setting for gg_deathmatch_delay?

Well thank you,

Code: Select all

// Options
//   * 0 = NORMAL
//   * 1 = ELECTRICAL
//   * 3 = CORE
//   * 4 = RANDOM - a random effect will be chosen each death.
//   * 5 = REMOVE - each ragdoll will simply be removed with no effect.
// Default Value: 0
// Set to the type of dissolver to use.
   gg_dissolver_type 4

// Default Value: 2
// Set to the magnitude to use when dissolving.
   gg_dissolver_magnitude 2

// Default Value: 0
// The amount of time (in seconds) to wait before dissolving.
   gg_dissolver_delay 2

I use elimination in the server.
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Re: GunGame v1.3.0

Postby satoon101 » Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:21 pm

Ok, that makes sense. If a player is respawned prior to the dissolve, it will cause this error. I will put a fix into place for the next release.

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