[CS:S] ReplayBot

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[CS:S] ReplayBot

Postby Snowflakex » Fri Nov 29, 2024 4:44 am


I have downloaded and installed the ReplayBot plugin of Ayuto. This question is kinda for him, although if there's any other servers using this right now and they know how it works, then I appreciate the support..

I'm running a soccer mod on my server where whenever a goal is scored, it triggers the end round and moments later triggers a new round. However, I'd like a replay of that goal to happen using this plugin.

Right now, the !stop, !pause, !start commands don't seem to do anything. The only command that works is !play, which shows up a menu and very rarely only shows 1 replay I can select, this spawns a bot permanently and it does move and replicate me.

What am I missing?
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Re: [CS:S] ReplayBot

Postby Ayuto » Sat Nov 30, 2024 9:56 pm

The ReplayBot plugins tracks your movement and allows you to spawn a bot that executes the same actions (moving, jumping, firing, etc.). And even then it's not 100% accurate due to environmental changes. That's why the plugins is making use of the teleport function to correct the location if the tracked location differs too much from the current location. So, this sounds rather hard to accomplish with this plugin as you need to track a little bit more that just player movement.

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