A place for requesting new Source.Python plugins to be made for your server.

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daren adler
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Postby daren adler » Sat Apr 09, 2022 6:30 pm

Would like to be able to join my server (and anyone else) and be able to say morebots in chat and the bots spawn. like i say (morebots) in chat and 4 or 5 bots join the server and also be able to turn them off also (like nobots or lessbots). They are the hrcbots from here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2ccy1wpocas6sku/AACwHdh40xihFMnUOhWxtcXva?dl=0 . Please help and have a great weekend. :cool:
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Postby cssbestrpg » Sat Apr 09, 2022 6:59 pm

Does the bots have server command to set the bots amount(I don't have hl2dm server, so i don't know how to set bots amount in hl2dm)
If have, type the command then i might be able to make the code for it
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daren adler
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Posts: 348
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Postby daren adler » Sat Apr 09, 2022 7:28 pm

cssbestrpg wrote:Does the bots have server command to set the bots amount(I don't have hl2dm server, so i don't know how to set bots amount in hl2dm)
If have, type the command then i might be able to make the code for it


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hrcbot_enabled N
   If set to 0, the bots will cease all activity and the map will not be analysed at load time.
   If you re-enable the bot in a level with an unanalysed map, you will have to change the level again to get it analyzed.
   This feature has been suggested in order to disable to bot for badly-handled maps.

   ie: hrcbot_enabled 1

hrcbot_minplayers N
   Fills the server with bots in order to have a minimum of N acvite players

   Since version 1.0.57 the bots will never fill up the last available slot (so a new player can always connect)
   This will also fixe cases where hrcbot_minplayers is bigger than the maximum number of players allowed on the server/map.

   ie: hrcbot_minplayers 4

hrcbot_maxplayers N
   If there are at least N players (human and bot both) in game, then no more bot will be added.
   The bots will also be balanced down to match this N value.

   ie: hrcbot_maxplayers 16

hrcbot_preferredcount N
   If this value is set to an integer value bigger than 0, the plugin will try to have this number of bots playing, as long as
   the minplayers and maxplayers conditions are verified.

   ie: hrcbot_preferredcount 4

hrcbot_forceteam N
   Force the bot into a preset team.

   In HL2DM N can be:

      -1 = balanced teams (default)
                 2 = combine
                 3 = rebels

       Do not use

       0 = automatic
                 1 = spectator

   ie: hrcbot_forceteam -1

hrcbot_autobalancebots N
   Set this to 0 to disable usage of hrcbot_minplayers, hrcbot_maxplayers, hrcbot_preferredcount and hrcbot_forceteam.
   hrcbot_add will only work if N is set to 0

   ie: hrcbot_autobalancebots 1
hrcbot_add T
   This command can only work if hrcbot_autobalancebots is set to 0
   Without parameter, the command adds a bot.
   With a parameter, adds a bot to the team T

   In HL2DM T can be:

                 2 = combine
                 3 = rebels

       Do not use

       0 = automatic
                 1 = spectator

   ie: hrcbot_add
   ie: hrcbot_add 2

hrcbot_kick T
   This command can only work if hrcbot_autobalancebots is set to 0
   Without parameter, the command removes a bot.
   With a parameter, removes a bot from the team T

   In HL2DM T can be:

                 2 = combine
                 3 = rebels

       Do not use

       0 = automatic
                 1 = spectator

   ie: hrcbot_kick
   ie: hrcbot_kick 2

hrcbot_waitforplayers 0
   The bots will only be added after the first player connects.

hrcbot_freezeifnoplayers 0
   When the last human player leaves the game, the bots are disabled.  They are enabled again when a player connects.

   ie: hrcbot_freezeifnoplayers 1

hrcbot_player_spawnweapon NAME
   Sets the default spawn weapon of the bot.
   Supported values are : smg1 pistol 357 crossbow shotgun ar2 rpg
   Avoid the 357 if you want to have fun
   ie: hrcbot_player_spawnweapon smg1

hrcbot_handicap N
   The bot strenght (aim accuracy) can now be reduced with this.
   At 0, you will just have your luck to survive and your eyes to cry. (Bots will have NO handicap)
   With higher values (10 or more), even your little sister (the one in the cradle) will be able to fight them.
   Values equal or above 0 only.

   ie: hrcbot_handicap 5

hrcbot_mute N
   Silent the bot by setting this parameter to 1.  Let him speak by setting it to 0

   ie: hrcbot_mute 1

hrcbot_motd N
   Set this to 0 to disable the "advertising" of the bot.

   ex: hrcbot_motd 0

hrcbot_dialogmsg N
   Set this to 0 in order to disable the displaying of the version of the bot on each client.

   ex: hrcbot_dialogmsg 1

hrcbot_spawnprotectiontime N
   When a player spawn, the bot will leave him alone for until this time has elapsed (1/60 seconds units)

   ie: hrcbot_spawnprotectiontime 120
       This will protect the spawned player (from the bots) for about 2 seconds

hrcbot_spawnprotectionseconds N
   When a player spawn, the bot will leave him alone for until this time has elapsed (Units are seconds)   
   This is not a "var" but a "function". It changes the value of hrcbot_spawnprotectiontime

   ie: hrcbot_spawnprotectionseconds 30
   Will be equivalent to

       hrcbot_spawnprotectiontime 1800

   And will protect a spawned player (from the bots) for about 30 seconds.

hrcbot_clan NAME
   Each new bot get NAME prefixed to its name.

   ie: hrcbot_clan [HRC]

hrcbot_namesfile NAME
   NAME is a text file with a bot name on each line.
   The file is parsed until the first empty line is found.
   The default location of the file is "hl2mp/addons/hrcbot_server_plugin/hrcbot_names.txt".
   Look into the file to understand the format.

   ie: hrcbot_namesfile "hl2mp/addons/hrcbot_server_plugin/hrcbot_names.txt"

hrcbot_crowbarmaniacs N
   Enabling this will give a crowbar to the bot.  And a bot loves a crowbar more than a Doom Space Marine loves a BFG-9000

   ie: hrcbot_crowbarmaniacs 1

hrcbot_autoweaponswitch N
   Setting this to 0 will prevent the bots from changing weapons when they get a new one.
   ie: hrcbot_autoweaponswitch 0

hrcbot_spawnprotectedhealth N
   New versions of "Spawn & Chat Protection" will allow the bot to know when a player is protected. (http://www.esteticas.se/catman.php)
   Meanwhile, the bot will assume that anyone having at least N health is protected.   

   ie: hrcbot_spawnprotectedhealth 500

hrcbot_playermodel T
   All the bots will use the specified model T.  Use "*" for the default random choice.

   HL2DM default models are:




   ie: hrcbot_playermodel *
   ie: hrcbot_playermodel models/Humans/Group03/male_09.mdl

hrcbot_do "bot name" command
   This command used to be only available for debugging.
   The bot will execute the command as himself. '\"' are mandatory for composed names."


   Please note that this command has to be used with care as some parameters (status change) can break the bot.


   ie: hrcbot_do "[HRC]Zeus" say Hello
   ie: hrcbot_do "[HRC]Zeus" joinclass 1

   ie (could be dangerous because the bot is not supposed to switch team): hrcbot_do "[HRC]Zeus" jointeam 3

Special Commands

hrcbot_notifycriticals 1
   The plugin will log critical sections of the code into the hrcbot_log.txt file.
   The critical sections are the parts helping me to solve an issue I'm working on.
   Set this to 0 if you are not working with me to solve an issue on your server.

   This command will dump relevant status of the plugin into the console and into the hrcbot_log.txt file.
   Resize your console, lines are pretty wide.

hope this helps.

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