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Adding poison with multiple instances

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 1:30 pm
by arawra
Trying to wrap my ahead around a such that I can 'poison' a person, and if I do it again EXTEND the original duration, and allow others their own instances.

This is my first solution and am looking for pointers or other helpful information.

Syntax: Select all

#called on the victim, such as victim.poison(attacker, 5, 3, 6)

def poison(self, attacker, amount, interval, total=0):
#PlayerDataDictionary stores things such as maximum hp, max speed ,etc
if PlayerDataDictionary[self.steamid].poison:
for instance in PlayerDataDictionary[self.steamid].poison:
if instance[1] != [attacker, amount, interval]:
#safeDamage is a point_hurt wrapper
myTimer = TickRepeat(safeDamage, self, attacker, amount)
#Tracking timers to end them all at round_end
myTimer.start(interval, total)
PlayerDataDictionary[self.steamid].poison.append([myTimer, [attacker, amount, interval]])
myTimer = TickRepeat(safeDamage, self, attacker, amount)
myTimer.start(interval, total)
PlayerDataDictionary[self.steamid].poison.append([myTimer, [attacker, amount, interval]])