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Postby Painkiller » Fri Jan 21, 2022 11:29 am

I get an error with a plugin.

Could someone tell me how to fix this?

Thanks in advance

Code: Select all

[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/", line 164, in load_plugin
    plugin = self.manager.load(plugin_name)
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/", line 207, in load
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/", line 74, in _load
    self.module = import_module(self.import_name)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/lms/", line 28, in <module>
    database = ConfigObj(db_path)
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/site-packages/", line 1229, in __init__
    self._load(infile, configspec)
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/site-packages/", line 1318, in _load
    raise error
  File "<string>", line None

configobj.ConfigObjError: Parsing failed with several errors.
First error at line 9.

2022-01-19 12:55:03 - sp   -   MESSAGE   [SP] Plugin 'lms' was unable to be loaded.
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ConfigObj file

Postby Articha » Sat Jan 22, 2022 5:54 am

ConfigObj works with config file somewhere. This file contains error. At line 9, to be exactly
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Re: ConfigObj file

Postby Painkiller » Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:11 pm

Articha wrote:ConfigObj works with config file somewhere. This file contains error. At line 9, to be exactly

I think I've found the line.

Syntax: Select all

cfg =  {'ppk': points_per_kill.get_int(),

Can you tell me where there is a problem?

and here the complete

Syntax: Select all

from config.manager import ConfigManager

core_config = ConfigManager('lms_config')

points_per_kill = core_config.cvar('points_per_kill', 5, "Wieviele Punkte kriegt ein Spieler pro Kill")
points_third_place = core_config.cvar('points_third_place', 20, "Wieviele Punkte der dritte Platz kriegt")
points_second_place = core_config.cvar('points_second_place',50, "Wieviele Punkte der zweite Platz kriegt")
points_first_place = core_config.cvar('points_first_place',100, "Wieviele Punkte der erste Platz kriegt")

cfg = {'ppk': points_per_kill.get_int(),
'ptp': points_third_place.get_int(),
'psp': points_second_place.get_int(),
'pfp': points_first_place.get_int()}

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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby satoon101 » Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:23 pm

It wouldn't be line 9 of the file. There is a .ini file somewhere that it's reading where line 9 isn't valid. In your file, what is db_path set to? That path is the location of the .ini file that is causing the error.
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby Painkiller » Sat Jan 22, 2022 2:35 pm

satoon101 wrote:It wouldn't be line 9 of the file. There is a .ini file somewhere that it's reading where line 9 isn't valid. In your file, what is db_path set to? That path is the location of the .ini file that is causing the error.

There was no one anywhere :(

I set now in the info

Syntax: Select all

# ../addons/source-python/plugins/lms/info.ini

and in the py

Syntax: Select all

# ../addons/source-python/plugins/lms/

would that be so corect?
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby satoon101 » Mon Jan 24, 2022 6:47 pm

No, the issue has nothing to do with the info.ini file. In the file, there is likely a line that starts with db_path =

Could you post that line here so we can see which file is causing this error.
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby Painkiller » Mon Jan 24, 2022 10:13 pm

I find this.

Syntax: Select all

if not os.path.isdir(PLUGIN_DATA_PATH+"/lms"):
os.makedirs (PLUGIN_DATA_PATH+"/lms")
db_path = os.path.join(PLUGIN_DATA_PATH,'lms','database.ini')
database = ConfigObj(db_path)
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby satoon101 » Mon Jan 24, 2022 11:02 pm

Ok, so the issue is in the ../addons/source-python/data/plugins/lms/database.ini file on the server. Specifically on line #9 in that file.
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby Painkiller » Tue Jan 25, 2022 1:22 pm

I have this in line 9.

Code: Select all

[BOT_bad comrade [CC]]
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby Ayuto » Tue Jan 25, 2022 4:30 pm

Try putting it in quotes:

Code: Select all

["BOT_bad comrade [CC]"]
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby Painkiller » Tue Jan 25, 2022 5:08 pm

I think the error is still there.

Maybe the plugin can't handle the bot names.

Probably I should have entered this for each line.

But the bot names change constantly

Code: Select all

2022-01-25 18:03:59 - sp   -   EXCEPTION   
[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/", line 164, in load_plugin
    plugin = self.manager.load(plugin_name)
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/", line 207, in load
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/", line 74, in _load
    self.module = import_module(self.import_name)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/lms/", line 30, in <module>
    database = ConfigObj(db_path)
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/site-packages/", line 1229, in __init__
    self._load(infile, configspec)
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/site-packages/", line 1318, in _load
    raise error
  File "<string>", line None

configobj.ConfigObjError: Parsing failed with several errors.
First error at line 29.

2022-01-25 18:03:59 - sp   -   MESSAGE   [SP] Plugin 'lms' was unable to be loaded.


Code: Select all

points = 725
points = 100
points = 0
[BOT_[SXE] Squat]
points = 20
["BOT_bad comrade [CC]"]
points = 0
[BOT_{+STF+} MoonPie]
points = 20
[BOT_=STS= NiGHtSHad3]
points = 50
points = 70
[BOT_|gCf| Bearded Clam]
points = 20
points = 120
points = 0
[BOT_=STS= NixieT00b]
points = 0
[BOT_g0nZ0 |eFa|]
points = 0
[BOT_Mr. BuBBle |eFa|]
points = 0
[BOT_MayHEm! [CC]]
points = 0
[BOT_{+STF+} KaUStic]
points = 0
[BOT_{DDE} Donkey Punch]
points = 0
points = 0
[BOT_FunKyMucKer [dXb]]
points = 0
[BOT_split2nd |THL|]
points = 0
[BOT_[SXE] raBButpUNch]
points = 0
points = 0
points = 0
[BOT_|gCf| K1LLeRX]
points = 0
[BOT_BOTToMF33D3r |eFa|]
points = 0
[BOT_SlaPHaPPy [dXb]]
points = 0
points = 50
points = 105
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby Painkiller » Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:17 am

I removed all bots from database.cfg
The plugin loaded normally again.
After the die came this error.

Code: Select all

2022-01-26 08:14:06 - sp   -   EXCEPTION   
[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/events/", line 92, in fire_game_event
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/lms/", line 85, in player_death
    attacker = Player.from_userid(int(ev['attacker']))
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/players/", line 109, in from_userid
    return cls(index_from_userid(userid), caching=caching)

ValueError: Conversion from "Userid" (0) to "Index" failed.

Edit: When I bleed out or suicide, I can't get out of the spectate to respawn. It only happens when I am alone on the server, apparently.
Edit2: It also happens with players straight tested.

Edit3: I refer then here times to the Haubt topic
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby cssbestrpg » Wed Jan 26, 2022 8:56 am

Paste the whole code that the plugin have, so i can fix suicide errors.
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby Painkiller » Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:14 am

Hello @cssbestrpg
The plugin is on the link.

but i like to send it here again too.

Syntax: Select all

from config.manager import ConfigManager

core_config = ConfigManager('lms_config')

points_per_kill = core_config.cvar('points_per_kill', 5, "Wieviele Punkte kriegt ein Spieler pro Kill")
points_third_place = core_config.cvar('points_third_place', 20, "Wieviele Punkte der dritte Platz kriegt")
points_second_place = core_config.cvar('points_second_place',50, "Wieviele Punkte der zweite Platz kriegt")
points_first_place = core_config.cvar('points_first_place',100, "Wieviele Punkte der erste Platz kriegt")

cfg = {'ppk': points_per_kill.get_int(),
'ptp': points_third_place.get_int(),
'psp': points_second_place.get_int(),
'pfp': points_first_place.get_int()}


Syntax: Select all

# ../lms/

from players.entity import Player
from events import Event
from events.hooks import PreEvent, EventAction
from filters.players import PlayerIter
from lms import config

from messages import SayText2, HudMsg
from listeners.tick import Delay,Repeat

from commands.server import ServerCommand
from commands.client import ClientCommand
from commands.say import SayCommand
from commands import CommandReturn

from engines.server import queue_command_string

from configobj import ConfigObj
from paths import PLUGIN_DATA_PATH
import os
import re

already_played = {}

if not os.path.isdir(PLUGIN_DATA_PATH+"/lms"):
os.makedirs (PLUGIN_DATA_PATH+"/lms")
db_path = os.path.join(PLUGIN_DATA_PATH,'lms','database.ini')
database = ConfigObj(db_path)

for player in PlayerIter():
steamid = player.steamid
already_played[steamid] = 0
if "BOT" in steamid:
steamid = "BOT_"
steamid = steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
if not steamid in database:
database[steamid] = {}
database[steamid]['points'] = 0

def display_players():
living_players = get_living_player_count()
all_players = get_player_count()
if living_players >= 2:
HudMsg("Last Man Standing\n"+str(living_players)+" von "+str(all_players)+" Spielern sind noch übrig",-1,0.02,channel=1).send()
count = 0
for player in PlayerIter('alive'):
count += 1
name =
if count > 0:
HudMsg("Last Man Standing\n"+str(name)+" hat diese Runde gewonnen",-1,0.02,channel=1).send()

display_players_repeat = Repeat(display_players)

def activate(ev):
player = Player.from_userid(int(ev['userid']))
steamid = player.steamid
if player.steamid not in already_played:
already_played[player.steamid] = 0
if already_played[player.steamid] == 1:
if "BOT" in steamid:
steamid = "BOT_"
steamid = steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
if not steamid in database:
database[steamid] = {}
database[steamid]['points'] = 0

def _late_join(index):
Player(index).team = 1
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] \x03Du musst warten bis die neue Runde beginnt").send(index)

def player_death(ev):
player = Player.from_userid(int(ev['userid'])) = 1
attacker = Player.from_userid(int(ev['attacker']))
player_steamid = player.steamid
already_played[player.steamid] = 1
if "BOT" in player_steamid:
player_steamid = "BOT_"
player_steamid = player_steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
attacker_steamid = attacker.steamid
if "BOT" in attacker_steamid:
attacker_steamid = "BOT_"
attacker_steamid = attacker_steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
if attacker != player:
living_players = get_living_player_count()
if living_players == 2:
give_points(player_steamid, config.cfg['ptp'])
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] "" \x03ist auf dem \x04dritten \x03Platz!").send()
if living_players == 1:
give_points(player_steamid, config.cfg['psp'])
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] "" \x03ist auf dem \x04zweiten \x03Platz!").send()
if !=
give_points(attacker_steamid, config.cfg['pfp'])
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] "" \x03ist der \x04Last Man Standing!").send()
HudMsg(""" ist der Last Man Standing",-1,0.4).send()
for player in PlayerIter('alive'):
steamid = player.steamid
if "BOT" in steamid:
steamid = "BOT_"
steamid = steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
give_points(steamid, config.cfg['pfp'])
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] "" \x03ist der \x04Last Man Standing!").send()
HudMsg(""" ist der Last Man Standing",-1,0.4).send()

def _restart_game():
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] \x03Die neue Runde beginnt in\x04 5 Sekunden").send()
already_played = {}
for player in PlayerIter(): = 0
already_played[player.steamid] = 0
queue_command_string("mp_restartgame 5")

def save_database():

def give_points(steamid,amount):
points = int(database[steamid]['points'])
database[steamid]['points'] = (points+amount)

#Get the amount of living players
def get_living_player_count():
count = 0
for player in PlayerIter('alive'):
count += 1
return count

def get_player_count():
count = 0
for player in PlayerIter():
count += 1
return count

#Block teamchange messages
def team(ev):
if int(ev['team']) in [0,1]:
return EventAction.BLOCK

#Block usage of jointeam
def join_test(command,index):
return CommandReturn.BLOCK

#Rank command and helper function
def get_rank(steamid):
steamid = steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
ranks = sorted(database, key=lambda x: int(database[x]['points']),reverse=True)
i = 0
for x in ranks:
i += 1
if x == steamid:

def rank(command,index,team=None):
player = Player(index)
rank,ofall = get_rank(player.steamid)
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] \x03Du bist auf Platz \x04"+str(rank)+"\x03 von \x04"+str(ofall)+".").send(player.index)
return CommandReturn.BLOCK

#ServerCommand that restarts the current round and respawns every player
def _restart(command):
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby cssbestrpg » Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:11 pm

This should fix the suicide errors:

Syntax: Select all

# ../lms/

from players.entity import Player
from events import Event
from events.hooks import PreEvent, EventAction
from filters.players import PlayerIter
from lms import config

from messages import SayText2, HudMsg
from listeners.tick import Delay,Repeat

from commands.server import ServerCommand
from commands.client import ClientCommand
from commands.say import SayCommand
from commands import CommandReturn

from engines.server import queue_command_string

from configobj import ConfigObj
from paths import PLUGIN_DATA_PATH
import os
import re

already_played = {}

if not os.path.isdir(PLUGIN_DATA_PATH+"/lms"):
os.makedirs (PLUGIN_DATA_PATH+"/lms")
db_path = os.path.join(PLUGIN_DATA_PATH,'lms','database.ini')
database = ConfigObj(db_path)

for player in PlayerIter():
steamid = player.steamid
already_played[steamid] = 0
if "BOT" in steamid:
steamid = "BOT_"
steamid = steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
if not steamid in database:
database[steamid] = {}
database[steamid]['points'] = 0

def display_players():
living_players = get_living_player_count()
all_players = get_player_count()
if living_players >= 2:
HudMsg("Last Man Standing\n"+str(living_players)+" von "+str(all_players)+" Spielern sind noch übrig",-1,0.02,channel=1).send()
count = 0
for player in PlayerIter('alive'):
count += 1
name =
if count > 0:
HudMsg("Last Man Standing\n"+str(name)+" hat diese Runde gewonnen",-1,0.02,channel=1).send()

display_players_repeat = Repeat(display_players)

def activate(ev):
player = Player.from_userid(int(ev['userid']))
steamid = player.steamid
if player.steamid not in already_played:
already_played[player.steamid] = 0
if already_played[player.steamid] == 1:
if "BOT" in steamid:
steamid = "BOT_"
steamid = steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
if not steamid in database:
database[steamid] = {}
database[steamid]['points'] = 0

def _late_join(index):
Player(index).team = 1
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] \x03Du musst warten bis die neue Runde beginnt").send(index)

def player_death(ev):
player = Player.from_userid(int(ev['userid'])) = 1
attacker = Player.from_userid(ev['attacker'])
except ValueError:
player_steamid = player.steamid
already_played[player.steamid] = 1
if "BOT" in player_steamid:
player_steamid = "BOT_"
player_steamid = player_steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
attacker_steamid = attacker.steamid
if "BOT" in attacker_steamid:
attacker_steamid = "BOT_"
attacker_steamid = attacker_steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
if attacker != player:
living_players = get_living_player_count()
if living_players == 2:
give_points(player_steamid, config.cfg['ptp'])
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] "" \x03ist auf dem \x04dritten \x03Platz!").send()
if living_players == 1:
give_points(player_steamid, config.cfg['psp'])
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] "" \x03ist auf dem \x04zweiten \x03Platz!").send()
if !=
give_points(attacker_steamid, config.cfg['pfp'])
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] "" \x03ist der \x04Last Man Standing!").send()
HudMsg(""" ist der Last Man Standing",-1,0.4).send()
for player in PlayerIter('alive'):
steamid = player.steamid
if "BOT" in steamid:
steamid = "BOT_"
steamid = steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
give_points(steamid, config.cfg['pfp'])
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] "" \x03ist der \x04Last Man Standing!").send()
HudMsg(""" ist der Last Man Standing",-1,0.4).send()

def _restart_game():
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] \x03Die neue Runde beginnt in\x04 5 Sekunden").send()
already_played = {}
for player in PlayerIter(): = 0
already_played[player.steamid] = 0
queue_command_string("mp_restartgame 5")

def save_database():

def give_points(steamid,amount):
points = int(database[steamid]['points'])
database[steamid]['points'] = (points+amount)

#Get the amount of living players
def get_living_player_count():
count = 0
for player in PlayerIter('alive'):
count += 1
return count

def get_player_count():
count = 0
for player in PlayerIter():
count += 1
return count

#Block teamchange messages
def team(ev):
if int(ev['team']) in [0,1]:
return EventAction.BLOCK

#Block usage of jointeam
def join_test(command,index):
return CommandReturn.BLOCK

#Rank command and helper function
def get_rank(steamid):
steamid = steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
ranks = sorted(database, key=lambda x: int(database[x]['points']),reverse=True)
i = 0
for x in ranks:
i += 1
if x == steamid:

def rank(command,index,team=None):
player = Player(index)
rank,ofall = get_rank(player.steamid)
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] \x03Du bist auf Platz \x04"+str(rank)+"\x03 von \x04"+str(ofall)+".").send(player.index)
return CommandReturn.BLOCK

#ServerCommand that restarts the current round and respawns every player
def _restart(command):
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby Painkiller » Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:16 pm

Unfortunately the problem still exists

If I join the server alone and kill myself, I can't get out of the spectate. Irrenanstallt [Rocks] | Coop -> 18+ | FastDL
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby cssbestrpg » Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:45 pm

I think i found the issue of the code, try this version:

Syntax: Select all

# ../lms/

from players.entity import Player
from events import Event
from events.hooks import PreEvent, EventAction
from filters.players import PlayerIter
from lms import config

from messages import SayText2, HudMsg
from listeners.tick import Delay,Repeat

from commands.server import ServerCommand
from commands.client import ClientCommand
from commands.say import SayCommand
from commands import CommandReturn

from engines.server import queue_command_string

from configobj import ConfigObj
from paths import PLUGIN_DATA_PATH
import os
import re

already_played = {}

if not os.path.isdir(PLUGIN_DATA_PATH+"/lms"):
os.makedirs (PLUGIN_DATA_PATH+"/lms")
db_path = os.path.join(PLUGIN_DATA_PATH,'lms','database.ini')
database = ConfigObj(db_path)

for player in PlayerIter():
steamid = player.steamid
already_played[steamid] = 0
if "BOT" in steamid:
steamid = "BOT_"
steamid = steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
if not steamid in database:
database[steamid] = {}
database[steamid]['points'] = 0

def display_players():
living_players = get_living_player_count()
all_players = get_player_count()
if living_players >= 2:
HudMsg("Last Man Standing\n"+str(living_players)+" von "+str(all_players)+" Spielern sind noch übrig",-1,0.02,channel=1).send()
count = 0
for player in PlayerIter('alive'):
count += 1
name =
if count > 0:
HudMsg("Last Man Standing\n"+str(name)+" hat diese Runde gewonnen",-1,0.02,channel=1).send()

display_players_repeat = Repeat(display_players)

def activate(ev):
player = Player.from_userid(int(ev['userid']))
steamid = player.steamid
if player.steamid not in already_played:
already_played[player.steamid] = 0
if already_played[player.steamid] == 1:
if "BOT" in steamid:
steamid = "BOT_"
steamid = steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
if not steamid in database:
database[steamid] = {}
database[steamid]['points'] = 0

def _late_join(index):
Player(index).team = 1
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] \x03Du musst warten bis die neue Runde beginnt").send(index)

def player_death(ev):
player = Player.from_userid(int(ev['userid'])) = 1
attacker = Player.from_userid(ev['attacker'])
except ValueError:
player_steamid = player.steamid
already_played[player.steamid] = 1
if "BOT" in player_steamid:
player_steamid = "BOT_"
player_steamid = player_steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
attacker_steamid = attacker.steamid
if "BOT" in attacker_steamid:
attacker_steamid = "BOT_"
attacker_steamid = attacker_steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
if attacker != player:
living_players = get_living_player_count()
if living_players == 2:
give_points(player_steamid, config.cfg['ptp'])
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] "" \x03ist auf dem \x04dritten \x03Platz!").send()
if living_players == 1:
give_points(player_steamid, config.cfg['psp'])
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] "" \x03ist auf dem \x04zweiten \x03Platz!").send()
if !=
give_points(attacker_steamid, config.cfg['pfp'])
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] "" \x03ist der \x04Last Man Standing!").send()
HudMsg(""" ist der Last Man Standing",-1,0.4).send()
for player in PlayerIter('alive'):
steamid = player.steamid
if "BOT" in steamid:
steamid = "BOT_"
steamid = steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
give_points(steamid, config.cfg['pfp'])
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] "" \x03ist der \x04Last Man Standing!").send()
HudMsg(""" ist der Last Man Standing",-1,0.4).send()

def _restart_game():
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] \x03Die neue Runde beginnt in\x04 5 Sekunden").send()
already_played = {}
for player in PlayerIter(): = 0
already_played[player.steamid] = 0
queue_command_string("mp_restartgame 5")

def save_database():

def give_points(steamid,amount):
points = int(database[steamid]['points'])
database[steamid]['points'] = (points+amount)

#Get the amount of living players
def get_living_player_count():
count = 0
for player in PlayerIter('alive'):
count += 1
return count

def get_player_count():
count = 0
for player in PlayerIter():
count += 1
return count

#Block teamchange messages
def team(ev):
if int(ev['team']) in [0,1]:
return EventAction.BLOCK

#Rank command and helper function
def get_rank(steamid):
steamid = steamid.replace("[","").replace("]","")
ranks = sorted(database, key=lambda x: int(database[x]['points']),reverse=True)
i = 0
for x in ranks:
i += 1
if x == steamid:

def rank(command,index,team=None):
player = Player(index)
rank,ofall = get_rank(player.steamid)
SayText2("\x04[LastManStanding] \x03Du bist auf Platz \x04"+str(rank)+"\x03 von \x04"+str(ofall)+".").send(player.index)
return CommandReturn.BLOCK

#ServerCommand that restarts the current round and respawns every player
def _restart(command):
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby Painkiller » Wed Jan 26, 2022 2:50 pm

The same problem
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby Painkiller » Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:05 am

Good morning, unfortunately the problem still exists that you can not get out of the Spectate.
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Re: configobj.ConfigObjError

Postby Painkiller » Sat Feb 05, 2022 8:32 am

Next Error, i updated SP.

Code: Select all

[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/", line 164, in load_plugin
    plugin = self.manager.load(plugin_name)
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/", line 207, in load
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/", line 74, in _load
    self.module = import_module(self.import_name)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/lms/", line 36, in <module>
    uniqueid = fixed_uniqueid(player.uniqueid)

NameError: name 'player' is not defined

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