[CS:GO] Warmup HudDestination

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[CS:GO] Warmup HudDestination

Postby Kami » Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:26 pm

Hey guys,

I was wondering if it was possible to send a message of the same type as the warmup message in CS:GO to a player.
I've read at some places that it's a client side message, so I'm not sure we can do anything about it.
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Re: [CS:GO] Warmup HudDestination

Postby VinciT » Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:25 pm

Not sure about the warmup message specifically, but you can get something that resembles that:

Syntax: Select all

# ../win_message/win_message.py

# Source.Python
from events.manager import game_event_manager
from players.entity import Player

def send_win_message(message='', recipients=None):
"""Creates and sends the 'cs_win_panel_round' event.

message (str): Message to send, supports some HTML tags.
recipients: List/tuple of player indexes that should receive the
event = game_event_manager.create_event('cs_win_panel_round')
event.set_string('funfact_token', message)

# Should the message be sent to everyone on the server?
if recipients is None:

# Or have the recipients been specified?
for index in recipients:
# Try to get a Player instance.
except ValueError:

# When firing events to players/clients directly, we need to free it
# once we're done with it.

Here's an example:

Syntax: Select all

from commands import CommandReturn
from commands.client import ClientCommand

def win_msg_cmd(command, index):
message='One line..\nTwo lines..\nThree lines?!',

return CommandReturn.BLOCK

The message should stay on the player's screen until the round ends. If you want to remove it beforehand - just send an empty message:

Syntax: Select all

# The 'message' argument is an empty string by default. Just specify from which
# player(s) you want to remove the message/panel.

One thing to note is that the message is shown after a one second delay. Oh and another thing, you can use some HTML tags to style the text, I've only messed around with the color though:

Syntax: Select all

# This will be sent to everyone.
message='<font color="#FF0000">RED TEXT, MUST BE IMPORTANT</font>')

Edit: Added a try/catch in case an invalid index was specified.

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