Rules of this forum **READ BEFORE POSTING**

Please post any questions about developing your plugin here. Please use the search function before posting!
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Rules of this forum **READ BEFORE POSTING**

Postby Monday » Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:42 am

If you do not follow these rules, you may find your thread deleted or closed. Please follow the rules!

  1. Search before posting a question!
  2. Please make sure you test your code before posting about it! If you ask a question about untested code your post/thread may be deleted or ignored!
  3. Do not "bump" a thread.
  4. Be respectful. Name calling, insulting, and unprofessional behavior will absolutely not be tolerated. Mind what your mother said, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't speak at all."
  5. For the time being, this forum is English only.
  6. Make sure you use descriptive titles. "Help me" is not a valid title, and may cause your thread to become deleted, edited, or locked.
  7. You must post any code you currently have! Do not post anything that says, "I have tried everything!" Give us what you tried instead..

Thank you for your cooperation!

The Source.Python Staff

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