Basic script help

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Postby Mahi » Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:13 pm

Not sure who to quote, but case understood.

And of course 3 lines ain't much, it's just that if we need to use them often, and the first 2 lines really rarely, it might start feeling useless coding. Well it's not useless, but I think you got the point.
But it's just an other suggestion, you're the one's who decide whether it's a good one, or a bad one.

Also, I'm new here, so just saying, fantastic job with the plugin guys, keep on developing, looks awesome so far. :P
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Postby Monday » Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:40 pm

Spiked wrote:Sweet, I nailed it.

Thanks for the clarification. Since you are also the one working on most of the documentation so far, can we expect to maybe see a reference page with a listing for where and when player is used vs index?

I'm assuming again... but it seems like both values are relevant to the engine?

I am sure we will eventually get more documentation published, its a lot of work... Yes we will specify when to use indexes, and when to use userids.
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Postby satoon101 » Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:32 am

Spiked wrote:Thanks for the clarification. Since you are also the one working on most of the documentation so far, can we expect to maybe see a reference page with a listing for where and when player is used vs index?
As I wrote earlier in the thread, pretty much "nothing" actually "uses" a player's userid, so our API will be designed to utilize the same inputs that the engine requires. Events pass "userids" so that they can differentiate properly between players, since, again, indexes can get reused. You will pretty much always need to convert the userid to something (or multiple things: index, edict, iplayerinfo instance, handle, etc...) to use it properly.


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