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Installation of plugin = Server not starting

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:44 pm
by psyche

I've tried to install the Source.Python plugin on my CS:GO server but after I transfer the files from the package, the server wont start.
As I'm not sure what my host has installed on the server, I cannot say if python is available or not but I sent them a message to check.
Have anyone else experienced this and found out what a possible solution could be or does someone know, or have an idea to what the problem could be?

I don't have access to any logs on the server so I don't know if there is a error message anywhere.


Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:34 pm
by your-name-here
psyche wrote:Hi,

I've tried to install the Source.Python plugin on my CS:GO server but after I transfer the files from the package, the server wont start.
As I'm not sure what my host has installed on the server, I cannot say if python is available or not but I sent them a message to check.
Have anyone else experienced this and found out what a possible solution could be or does someone know, or have an idea to what the problem could be?

I don't have access to any logs on the server so I don't know if there is a error message anywhere.


First, we need to know what the OS is. Whether or not they have python available shouldn't matter because Source.Python ships with its own python installation.

Privately message me your server IP address and I will probe using HLSW. This will help me figure out what operating system you are using.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:10 am
by psyche
Version is: v1.16.1.0 (Linux, Dedicated, Protocol 17)

Anything else which is needed?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:59 pm
by your-name-here
Nope, you should be able to just drop the plugin into your addons folder and it should load. I'm going to need some kind of log to help me out. Can you ask your hosting provider to add -condebug to your startup script? With this option enabled, when you launch SRCDS, it will create a console.log file and dump the console into it. There may be load errors that will show up.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:33 pm
by psyche
I've asked them to do so but they are very slow so it might be a few days till it's done. Will send you a private message when I got the log part figured out.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:44 am
by psyche
Hi again,

I've managed to get the -condebug added to the startup script and I guess this is what you are searching for:

[SP-LOADER] Loading /storage/gameservers/30633/csgo/addons/source-python/engines/plat-linux/
[SP-LOADER] Could not load the /storage/gameservers/30633/csgo/addons/source-python/bin/!
Failed to load plugin "addons/source-python"

For what I can see then it's because it tries to load the file from a location where it doesn't exist.
When I look in the source-python dir, I can see that this file is located under the folder "core" and not "bin".
How to solve this?


Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:47 pm
by psyche
So I tried uploading the file to a bin directory and that worked. Now the server starts and the plugin is loaded without any problems.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:02 pm
by satoon101
The newest version moves the core.dll and files to ../addons/source-python/core/ and this is where it will remain for any future updates.
