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Section Francophone .

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:26 pm
by Sioux

Je viens a vous pour poser une question qui pour le moment n'a peut etre pas sont interet mais, j'aimerais savoir si une section forum francophone verra le jour par la suite pour que nous puissions dans l'avenir, profiter de Source Python plus facilement .
Si une ame charitable peut traduire ceci pour que mon message soit lu par tous , merci :cool:

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:02 pm
by satoon101
Not sure how well this will translate, but we have not really talked about adding other sections for different languages. We are still too early in development, in my mind, to worry about doing such. We will discuss this, though, and let you know our plan for the future when we have one.

Thank you for the suggestion,

OH!! P.S. Welcome to the forums!!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:01 pm
by Doldol
To be quite honest I think splitting this community up into different languages is a bad idea. There are many times when I'm searching something on the ES forums and some search results (sometimes even the only viable ones) turn up in, for example Russian, now we could use Google Translate or similar, but it is far from perfect. I realize that essentially forcing people (that might not be so good at it) to communicate in English isn't ideal, but I do think it is better to have the whole project in the most accessible language in the world, English. This way every piece of information is kept in a way so that highest amount of people possible on this world can understand it.

Btw, English isn't my first language either.

Just my 2 cents.